How to Play

Follow this guide to dive into the world of Fantasy Tennis!


Create an Account

If you don't have an account yet, you can create one by simply clicking the button below.

After a successful registration, you are notified via email and can start using your account right away.


Download the Game

To play Fantasy Tennis, you need to download the client. Click the button below to start the download. The client is packed in a ".7z" file and can be extracted with tools like 7-Zip.

Once you have downloaded the client, simply right-click on the downloaded ".7z" file and unpack it in your desired location.



After you have successfully downloaded and unpacked the client, open the folder and run the Fantasy Tennis Launcher using "FT_Launcher.exe". Click the double rackets to download the game files and start playing! Use the "FT_Launcher.exe" to launch the game. It will automatically update any required game files and start the game.

For further assistance, please refer to the Installation Guide located in the client folder as "InstallInfo.txt". Additional components such as DirectX and Visual C++ Redistributable are required to run the game. These components can also be found in the client folder. The Installation Guide provides all the necessary information to get started.

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